Thursday, May 29, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

I hope all of you enjoyed the 3 day weekend. We are creeping up on Summer and special fun times here in the SouthBay!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The importance of Branding and Templates

Everywhere you go you hear about "Brand Products" or "Branding Yourself". But do you realize the importance of it and how it affects your bottom line?

Branding is critical to client retention. When people can see just a color or a logo or even a style and think about the same "product" every time, then the branding works. As a business professional, you need to be sure that your "brand" stays consistent. When you are printing your marketing pieces, templates are your best bet as far as #1 ensuring a consistent look and #2 keeping your costs down.

For example, the template below would probably be around $40 to create from scratch. However, if it is used properly it can be as low $10 to change it each time with new info. AND if we were to print 100 of them on Nice, Glossy paper it would only be $30.00 plus tax.

No matter what business you are in, Branding and Templates go hand in hand. Think about that the next time you have something printed for your business.